Finding my Niche
My creative journey has been pretty random, with lots of twists and unexpected turns. I don’t like schedules or “normal” jobs. For that reason, I usually try to find unconventional ways to work. Over the years, I’ve learned how to turn my interests and hobbies into a way to make money. It’s taken time and courage to feel confident in this, but I’ve also enjoyed the flexibility to hop around from one creative venture to another or just do them all at once. It’s been difficult to embrace that I’m someone who does things differently, but through it all I’ve learned that deep down, I just LOVE creating things that bring people joy. Nothing is more rewarding than giving someone a finished product that I’ve put my heart into, and see their eyes light up, whether it’s a painting or something from my Etsy shop. I just like making people happy with the gifts God has given me!
But all of this is about so much more than making money. Thanks to these opportunities and the support of friends and family, I'm able to work from home, spend quality time with my kids, and also contribute to causes that mean a lot to our family. AND I get to glorify God through it all. For without Him, I'd have nothing.
It's been an interesting and sometimes frustrating adventure, but I hope I continue to grow, learn, and touch other's lives along the way!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace".
— 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)
100% of my profit gets donated. So when you purchase or commission a painting, the profit after supplies is donated to one of my favorite charities OR one you choose! You’re basically buying art for a cause!
In the Media